Extended Community Climate Change Project (ECCCP)-Flood

Project Overview

The impacts of climate change in Bangladesh are becoming increasingly evident. It has already been reflected in the natural disasters like floods, flash floods, salinity ingress, tidal surge, drought, etc. The frequency and the intensity of these disasters are ever increasing. The poor are at the highest risk. Women and children will be affected worse than any other groups in the community due to their low capacity to cope with the shocks. The poor and marginalized communities living in the flood-prone areas generally depend on agriculture for their livelihood which is highly sensitive to climate change. These climate-induced disasters affect habitation, availability of water, and sanitation systems. ECCCP-Flood project aims to provide climate-resilient shelters, livelihood, drinking water sources, and sanitation systems for these people.

The goal of the project is to strengthen the adaptation capacity and increase the resilience of the poor, marginalized and climate-vulnerable communities to the adverse effects of climate change in the flood-prone areas of Bangladesh. The project will be implemented in 5 flood-prone districts of Bangladesh-Nilphamari, Lalmonirhat, Kurigram, Gaibandha and Jamalpur. The major activities of the project include raising homestead plinths, cultivating flood-resilient crops, installing tube-wells and flood-resilient sanitary latrines, livestock rearing etc.

Major activities of the project

  • Increase resilience and enhanced livelihoods of the most vulnerable people of the flood affected area.
  • Increase resilience of the poor, marginalized and climate vulnerable communities towards the adverse effects of climate change in the flood prone areas of Kurigram district.

Geographic Area

Padakhep launched Extended Community Climate Change Project-Flood (ECCCP-Flood) in Roumari upazila under Kurigram district

Project Beneficiaries

  • -Through this project, various developmental activities will be implemented with the help of poor and extremely poor people in the rural char areas of Kurigram District. The project started in November 2020 and will be end on April 2024.
  • - About 1000 households of Roumari Upazila will be directly benefited from the project.

Project Partners

  • 1. PKSF and
  • 2. Green Climate Fund (GCF).