Project Overview
Pathways to Prosperity for Extremely Poor People (PPEPP) is a new challenging project of PKSF– targeting some of the extreme poor of the country. Initially, the project will be implemented over a period of six years with funding from the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) and the European Union (EU). The project will support extremely poor people to connect with mainstream economic growth and jobs. PPEPP project sets its goal to enable 0.25 million extremely poor households (up to 1 million extremely poor people) to exit extreme poverty and make significant progress along a pathway towards prosperity by 2025. This comprehensive and integrated project extends a livelihoods graduation model towards ‘pathways out of poverty approach’ by adding fresh features to: address barriers that stop the poorest people pulling themselves out of poverty; make it more cost effective; and, ensure that it is sustained here after PPEPP’s eventual exit. It aims to deliver the results and higher level changes through following six interrelated and multidimensional components: Livelihoods (resilience building and value-chain development), Nutrition and Health, Community Mobilisation, Market Development, Policy Advocacy, and Life-Cycle Grant Pilot.
Major activities of the project
- To enable two million people to exit from extreme poverty for good;
- To support the development of stronger national institutions and systems to deliver the public and private services required by extremely poor people to become resilient and prosper.
Geographic Area
The project will be implemented in selected districts and upazilas of the regions where the prevalence of extreme poverty is high and the decline over the last decade have been slower than in other areas. These are: North-west region, South-west coastal belt and the Haor area in the North-east region of Bangladesh. It will also cover some of the severe poverty pockets around the country.Presently Padakhep has been implementing the project in 5 Upazilas of Kishoregonj, Hobigonj and Sunamgonj District.
Project Partners
- Padakhep has launched PPEPP project in January 2020 as a partner organization of PKSF.